Schwarzes Brett

Beitrag von: Kooperative Dürnau

We wish you a merry Christmas,
We wish you a merry Christmas,
We wish you a merry Christmas
And a happy New Year!
To you and your kin;
Glad tidings for Christmas
And a happy New Year!

We want some figgy pudding,
We want some figgy pudding
Please bring it right here!

We wish you a merry Christmas,
We wish you a merry Christmas,
We wish you a merry Christmas
And a happy New Year!

erstellt am: 09.12.2006, um: 14:32:41

Beitrag von: Eva

Frohliche Weihnachten und gluckliches neues Jahr allem wunscht Eva

erstellt am: 09.12.2006, um: 14:32:41

Beitrag von: Kristinka

Hallo alle, ich habe gestern mein Prufung aus deutschem Grundgesetz erfolgreich gemacht,also jetzt muss ich zu jeder Persone DANKE sagen,die meine Fehler korigiert hatte,also es hat sich schon gelohnt,danke Kooperative fur mein Deutsch:-)ausserdem wunsche ich zu allen wunderschone Weinachten,also nicht nur zu Kooperative sondern auch zu alle Leute,die ich aus Workcamp kenne,also Tschuss(wir habe schon unser Karpf ermordet:-)

erstellt am: 09.12.2006, um: 14:32:41

Beitrag von: Vitek R.

Hallo!!!!!!!! Ich wünsche euch allen ein ruhiges Weihnachtsfest und ein glückliches neues Jahr!!!

erstellt am: 09.12.2006, um: 14:32:41

Beitrag von: Agatka

Dear Yukari, Megumi and Mio!!! thank You for Your beautifull song and birthday wishes!!! It made me smile for a very long time (and still does:)). A big kiss and hug for my Japanese Girls!!!

erstellt am: 09.12.2006, um: 14:32:41

Beitrag von: Yukari

Hallo, Rolf:-) I really thank you for that you welcome us again:-) We are really happy to be able to visit to Duernau!However it looks so cold there. Uuuuuuh... How is the temperature? about-5 degree?? Are you sure I need an icepick when I take a bath?? Ok:-) We don't take the sneakers but we bring the warmest boots for snow. Big smiling from Japan:-)

erstellt am: 09.12.2006, um: 14:32:41

Beitrag von: *Yukari, Mio, Megumi*

Happy Birthday to You!! Happy Birthday to You!! Happy Birthday dear Agatka!! Happy Birthday to Youuuuuu!! Did you hear the beautiful song from Japanese girls?? Now we are spending time together at megumi's home. Happy Birthday Dear Agatka!!!! Herzlichen Glueckwunsch zum Geburtstag! Today is Your Birthday :) And this day is special day for you!!! This new year will be full of happy smiling :) We hope your Good Luck from your Japanese girls!! Have a lovely Birthday in our Duernau!! Viel Glueck und Viel Spass!!! From Mio,Yukari, and Megumi*!

erstellt am: 09.12.2006, um: 14:32:41

Beitrag von: Rolf Reisiger

We welcome you all to the first Duernau Winter Workcamp. But don't forget: it is cold around here. To take a bath you need an icepick and for a shower a long and warm breathe. To sit outside under the roof is only nice protected by warm clothes and a hot heart. Leave sneakers and wellies at home and think of ice-skates. Warmest greetings from out of the fridge

erstellt am: 16.07.2007, um: 18:44:32

Beitrag von: Yukari

Liebe Kooperative Dürnau Thank you for singing a nice happy birthday song for me:-) I could hear your nice voice from Duernau to Japan!! about my travelig on next February... I will stay from 31st,January to 3rd, February in Finland with Yuka Shoji and come back to Germany to see you:-) I'm also looking forward to seeing you and new babies of Wiskey's:-) Of course:-) Tomorrow,I can be a nice singer for Agatka to celebrate her special day:-) Are you ready,Agtka?? with all my love from Japan.

erstellt am: 09.12.2006, um: 14:32:41

Beitrag von: Kooperative Dürnau

Dear YUKARI, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU Happy birthday to you Happy biiiirthday, happy birthday Happy birthday to youuuu ! Can you imagine the terrific chorus of Kooperative Dürnau? Yes? Great! Alle the best to you, many greetings from all of us and we are looking forward to your visit. :-) by the way...on wednesday you can sing for Agatka... :-)

erstellt am: 09.12.2006, um: 14:32:41

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